ATS US-2000 TR Transit Banding System

A cost-effective, universally applicable banding sys­tem or integration into production and packaging lines.

Depending on the design and application, the US-2000 TR can band up to 25 pro­ducts per minute. Options such as band lifting, hold-downs or pro­duct stoppers ensure the greatest possible flexibility in meeting requirements. The banding system processes either paper or film banding with a width of 30 mm.

The product width is adjusted without tools using clamping levers and scales. With the help of the sen­sors on the sheet, the position of the band can be defi­ned and the product banded once or twice.

Features include:

  • Easy integration in production line
  • Processing of products of different si­zes
  • Universally and flexibly applicable
  • Automation of production and packa­ging lines